Horse Leg Health

Easy to Apply

Keeps Legs Cool

Prevention & Therapy

Faster Recovery
EquiCrown® Compression Wraps
Innovative solutions for healthy horse legs.
EquiCrown® is medical-grade compression bandages used for the treatment of injuries and conditions. The guesswork associated with wrapping your horse’s leg – too tight or too loose – is eliminated when you use EquiCrown®.
EquiCrown® compression provides an anatomical fit with precisely defined compression pressure. The gradient compression of the bandage contributes to faster drainage of lymphatic fluid and removal of unwanted toxins. EquiCrown® compression bandages are breathable and machine-wash and dry.
Veterinarians and equine health professionals, stable managers, and owners are all seeing the superior benefits of using EquiCrown® compression bandages.

EquiCrown® Features:
Prevention against injuries and for maintaining healthy legs.
Use following exertion and overexertion (clinics, competitions).
Supports lymphatic flow and blood circulation.
Recommended for horses that stock up when stalled, on stall rest or travelling.
Lymph disorders – lymphangitis.
Cellulitis treatment.
Laminitis treatment.
Soft windgalls (wind puffs) treatment.
Post-operative, wound and scar treatment.
Supportive treatment for connective tissue injuries: tendons, ligaments, suspensory.
Support for re-entry into activity following surgery or injuries.
Our EquiCrown® Products:
Many Areas Benefit from Stall Mats!

"Quick to Use & Breathable"
We at SHALANNO Farms use EquiCrown® compression bandages. EquiCrown® are quick to apply and the open weave knit allow the horses legs to breath in the humid Florida climate. They are the perfect solution for the sensitive modern horse; many of whom dislike the traditional stable bandages.
"Best Wrap for Healthy Legs"
"I purchased your compression wraps in the spring and since then my Standard bred won 3 races in a row, 5 races last year. He's also earned the title Horse of the Year in Hanover, ON. He hadn’t won a race in 2 years until this past year. I’m sure the EquiCrown® have helped!
SHELLEY MAY & Cold Shadow – AB Fleishauer Horse of the Year 2016
"Superior Investment"
"I am very happy with the contracture of her scar tissue, and her mobility in the boots is fantastic. She has no heat or edema in her leg now, and is able to function like a normal 2 year old pony filly. I am very happy we discovered EquiCrown® when we did, they have been a fantastic addition to her long term care."
Most Common EquiCrown® Uses:
Many Areas Benefit from Stall Mats!

How Can I Purchase EquiCrown®?
Contact our office or visit our exclusive EquiCrown® website for all the measuring details!
horseRAP® Wound Care
Full leg wound wrap infused with Silver.
The horseRAP® Full-Leg Wound Wrap is designed for post-operative/post-injury equine care. Full-Leg Wound Wraps are infused with SMARTSILVER®, an additive that provides lasting antimicrobial protection.
The stretch absorbent material, provides a light compression/soft tissue support and secures sterile dressings or SMARTSILVER® Poultice Pads in place without the use of medical tapes.

Easy to Apply

Silver Infused


horseRAP® Features:
A two-way zipper allows the wound to be checked periodically without removing the whole bandage.
Comforts the horse during the healing process.
Light compression/soft tissue support.
The bandage can be zipped up on any side of the leg.
SMARTSILVER® kills 99% of bacteria & fungus.
Designed for controlled silver ion release - providing long-lasting protection.
Will not thermally or UV degrade.
Effects of the infused silver last through 30+ washings.
Ideal for leg protection against summer sores and insects
Postoperative wound care.
Wound and scar treatment.
Our horseRAP® Products:
Many Hard to Heal Areas!

"Full-Leg Wrap"
"I was able to use the wrap on our patient Friday. I checked it this morning to change the pads and it looks like it's been working perfectly! The bandage stayed in place, the owner feels comfortable changing the pads, and the mare seemed relatively unrestricted, considering. Since it seems to be working for our needs, we want to order more!"
---M. M., DVM
"Silver Infused Poultice Pads"
"I saw your product at the Horse Expo in Sacramento. I got a free sample of the Poultice Pads and went home and tried them over the wounds of our Quarter Horse with road rash. So happy with the results, I could tell the silver was working because as it was healing it didn't smell."
---Shannon M., VT
How Can I Purchase horseRAP®?